Amelia Egghart (Copy)

While all of the forest animals have distinct personalities, a hen by the name of Amelia Egghart sure has a big one. She was raised in the forest, and was actually the smallest of all her sisters. As she grew, she developed a love of exploration and would often be seen going farther than the other hens might care to venture. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she displayed a clear habit of escaping from the chicken run in the morning. Fences simply cannot contain this hen! This level of independence is rarely seen in other hens, proving that Amelia is destined to be a brave explorer. Her personality wasn’t the only thing growing either! She grew a beautiful gray beard to match her light blonde plumage.

It didn’t take long for Amelia to start testing her wing power, and quickly discovered her love of flying. Now some might say that chickens can’t fly, but Amelia would like to state that a hen can do anything she sets her mind to. Nearly every day she is seen on top of the Cobb Kitchen doing some light weeding of the area. She often sings while she works and is clearly at peace in nature. Recently, a clutch of her eggs were discovered in a corner of the roof! While it may be too late in the season this year, there’s always spring!

Amelia would like her readers to know that she is now wearing an egg as part of her superhero uniform."The egg over my heart is a symbol to all on Earth, that we must hold onto hope and that we all possess unhatched potential."


Amelia Egghart