October 2023 Events

October 13th - 15th, Friday - Sunday

WORKSHOPS: Solar Eclipse Celebrations

Lots of offerings happening this weekend at the hostel inspire by the Libra solar eclipse occurring Sunday, Oct. 15th! Events will begin Friday the 13th at 10 am, starting with a yoga class and followed up by a Cyanotype workshop. Saturday will be a day full of a variety of workshops (all eclipsed themed) and Sunday we will end with a sunrise meditation. Tarot and Astrology readings will be offered all day Sunday.

Cost: suggested donations per workshop

October 19th - 23rd, Thursday - Monday

MUSIC IN THE FOREST: Tree Song Festival

Join us for a weekend of music and camping to help raise money to go towards building a new hut for guests to stay in by the labyrinth! This is a rare event, as camping is typically not allowed in the forest so come pitch a tent or hammock and enjoy the healing energy of music in the forest all weekend long!

Cost: To come enjoy musical sets during the day and not stay the night in the forest is a suggested minimum donation of $20.

October 27th - 29th, Friday - Sunday

WORKSHOPS: Full Moon Samhain Celebrations

Celebrate Samhain at Hostel in the Forest! A weekend of honoring the shifting season; our grief and our ancestors. Journey to the past, present, and future with hypnotherapy, yoga, therapy, meditation, full moon, ritual, ceremonial cacao, and ancestor circle.

Friday: 6pm Check-in, 6:30pm Dinner, 8pm Cacao ceremony, silence and journaling for self exploration | Saturday: 9am Cacao journey reflection, Morning Sadhana- work through the Koshas, 11am Free time + lunch, 1pm: Past life Hypnotherapy journey, Journal your hypnotherapy experience, Restorative Reiki, Chakra tea ceremony, 3:30pm Free time, 6pm Dinner, Immediately following dinner: Burn release ceremony + meditation | Sunday: 9am: Hypnotherapy: past, present, future, Journal your hypnotherapy journey, 10:30 Free time + brunch 12pm Breathe + Flow ~ Mindful Movement, 12:45pm break, 1pm Nature walk + ancestor circle + mandala building, *end around 2:30pm*

Cost:  Friday-Sunday $200-300 sliding scale includes your hostel stay for 2 nights, 2 dinners and 1 brunch.  Saturday day pass $50-$100 must be at the hostel by 8:45am, includes dinner.

Please note, the Hostel is not dedicated to any particular religion or denomination. Event, workshop, and retreat instructors and leaders are not Hostel employees or representatives, and instructors’ and leaders’ views are solely their own. The Hostel is not liable for any experiences a participant may have during an event, workshop, or retreat; attendees assume all risks of participation.

Accommodations are limited so please visit Your First Visit to make your reservation. Unless otherwise noted, any event fees are in addition to overnight Hostel fees.


November 2023 Events


September 2023 Events